Sunday, 20 September 2009


Do I really live in a country where four men use a battering ram to break down the door of a hard-working woman, married in this country to a lawyer, to search her property for proof that she is an illegal immigrant from a Commonwealth country?
It is a very long time since many of us on the Guardian opposed the new immigration laws which stopped Commonwealth citizens coming freely to this country. The tales of wrongdoing to "illegal" immigrants are so numerous that they are not reported anymore, not since one woman flung herself out of the window of her home to escape immigration officers and was killed.
But this one, Mrs. Tapui, worked as housekeeper for the Attorney General, Baroness Scotland. So there were political motives for the break-in by the immigration officials.
Which makes me ask again whether I am really living in a country that does this, as well as helping to pay the taxes to make this possible. The taxes are also paying for nuclear weapons defence whose power is the equivalent of 1000 Hiroshimas, and for the mistaken and unwinnable war in Afghanistan, as well as the one in Iraq.
Yes, I am existing in this country and am a Brit, but it is not a life.

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